Tuesday, May 8, 2007

today is the day that every one is gone but 6 people and it the life and i cant what to see what every one is talking about in there blogs and it also the day that i will be with my mom and i am soooooooooooooooooooooo happy and i have nothing to say so i am just going to hear me say...............................................Hi by by

Love desli

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

my fave time that i had is when i was camping and i was only 5 years old and i was roasting the marshmallows and it caught on fire and ovcorc i got scared and waved it all around and i burn my cousins head and he had a burn spot and he in now 13 and still has a scar. well that is it by by
love desli moore

Monday, April 30, 2007

it was about the robats and what they named them and there was one call sudoca or something like that.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Well the thing that will happen in the next 10 years will be flying cars and robot buters and the aliens will take over the word.aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh well that is what will happen in the next 10 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!By by

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Free style

Toady topic is free style and i will talk about fishing with you mom dad brothers and sisters.if you go fishing with you dad you may be a bite bord they might only talk about how to use the fishing pole.it might be dark before yotu can fish.but if you fish with your mom she might want to go and do her makeup and she will be complaining all the time that you are there. but if you fish with your brother he might not be interested with it.so he might not be happy and will scream. but if you fish with you sister she will probly carry on with the mom thing. so that is why you never fish with your family.THE END

Monday, April 23, 2007

This summer i will be going to go to the gulf sh oursto and we will have so much fun.and we will see my ugly fat cat.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Today is the day that i am so very free and that i will be typing a story about my younger life!!!! When i was born my parents got in a huge fight and 2 years later they got divorst and my mom got in a car crash with me and my brother that day and than four 8 years i was rideing the plane to go and visit my dad and the plane did not land four 4 hours so i had to go see my dad only 2 times a year and that is now all i will tell you the rest is all about my family and i will tell you that tomorrow By BY

Friday, April 13, 2007

Hello today's topic is RANT and that is when you here some thing that makes you so mad and you just keep going on and on and on and that is what Rant is in so my RANT is when you are calling me it or saying that it have a desli idis and the most that i hate is when people are calling my name the wrong way on purpose and i almost very angry at that and that is my RANT. and that is also all that i will be saying.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Today's topic is my fave holiday well i thing that my fave holiday is ether my birthday or Christmas. and my brothers birthday because i get to See he he is always in his room with his Friends.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Today's topic is the thing i like to do on the weekend and that thing is l like to go and ride my four Wheeler and i like to play my play station and i like to ride my bike. and that is the only thing that i mainly like to do exep i like to do and like of crafts and i like to melt thing and put them in a nother shap asnd i like to play alot of stuff like i want to coler eggs this weekend and i want to go and hide the eggs and then feed them to my hamser and then he will get fat and mable teern in to a bollon and fly away NOT i wish. and that is the things that i like to do on the weekends.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

April 4, 2007

Today's topic is that what do we want to live when we grow up so i want to live in Alabama it is where i used to live and i lived there for % years and i am still not sick of it ti is ether that or Las vages That is where i was born and if i don't want to live there i will live in south Dakota i like it there and i think that it is so cool. and if i don't want to live there i want to live in Wyoming because that is where i live and i like the town Upton. and if i don't want to live there i want to live in Idaho it is where i grow up in it is where i lived in for 10 years and that i want to live there for to see my family and be happy and that is not the only thing that i want to live i want to live in the Bahamas and that will be so thing and so nice and that is why i want ti live there and that i where i want to live when i grow up.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

April 3, 2007

Todays topic is the ne and the only my fave movie and that movie is cold mantain it is so cool and i love it is all about hunting and live of your dreams and the main part about is that this woman is in love with and man and the man had to go to war so her father had died right after he left so she neaded help so she was to get help from roxy her new frid at first she hated her but now she likes her and so they are tell each others love so then Roxy is saying that she sould go and look for his so they did and they anr in the woods looking for him for days and then so they spot Roxys dad so they go and he is laying on the ground almost dead and so they camp out in the woods by making a cabin with the wood that they have and wile they are sleeping the man is in the woods to beacues he is out of the war and the people are looking for him so that is all that i will tell you you can wach it for your self. well i have to go by by.

Monday, April 2, 2007

April 2, 2007


Today's topic is crime DA D DA today i will became a detective and i am on there work all the time well i don't know about it but all i want to do is look for the bad people

Thursday, March 29, 2007

March 29, 2007

Today is the best day ever not it is just a reguler day do you like to sing I thing that it is so fun. well i have to go biy by

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

March 28, 2007

Todays topic is hunting and it sound so fun. I have neve ben hunting befor but i am going to go to hunters safty and i will go hunting

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

March 27, 2007

big foot is todays topic and i am so ready so eny why big foot is rely tall and can sqish you so you neeed to wach out so that is all that i know aout big foot and that is all that i am writing so by bhy.

Monday, March 26, 2007

March 26, 2007

Today is the day that we are writeing about UFOs so cool hugh? well i cant wait to go to the dicorvery summer this year. oh ya right we were talking about UFOs well that just gave me cilles by talking about it well i dont know enything about UFOs well got t ogo by by.
Love tiegy

Thursday, March 22, 2007

March 22, 2007

today is the day that i go to the dance yesterday was so fun i was so happy we did the 2 mile run and we harly ever stoped and i was so happy we got to do the spring jump and it was it was so fun to and i was so mad at camron and ols i went to the church and was haveing fun entile anna sister there a fit and she did not ride home with me so i was mad at her well today i will probly not go to the dance with a boy butt i might i just dont know if not i will be going with anna kj and amber melidy and it will be so fun. well i have to go by by

love tiegy

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

March 21, 2007

Dear tiegy

today is the best day ever the ouer track yesterday was fun but i was going to fant we did a 2 mile run well i have to go by by

Love tiegy

Monday, March 19, 2007

March 19, 2007

Today is the day of track. I am in it. But i am so very mad at corbin. sometimes i am so angery at him i want to brake my pincle well suprise supris i did brake my pincle